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Plant Database Manager

  • Plant Database Manager: Plant Editor

    Add all of the information your customers need to make a purchase decision for all the plants you sell.

  • Plant Database Mgr: Breeder/Program Mgr.

    Add as many breeders or programs as you need and then you can associate a plant record with one to help promote and sell plants in that program or from a particular breeder.

  • Plant Database Mgr: Categories/Types Editor

    Create as many high-level plant categories as you need to help organize your plant library.

  • Plant Database Mgr: Characteristics Editor

    You have complete control to add unlimited Characteristics, like 'Sun Requirement' and corresponding attributes like 'Full Sun', 'Part Sun', 'Shade'. Simply click on the relevant attributes for each plant and the information will be immediately associated with that plant record.

  • Plant Database Mgr: Detailed Plant Search

    A detailed plant search is included with th Clarity Console™ Plant Database. Site visitors can quickly find plants that meet their search requirements.

  • Plant Database Mgr: Genus Overview Editor

    Quickly add 'Genus' or 'Genus Species' specific information to all of the relevant plant records in your Plant Database Manager.

  • Plant Database Mgr: Current Crop Uploader

    The Current Crop Uploader is phone-friendly website functionality added to your Clarity Console™ Plant Database Manager. This allows you to use your smartphone or tablet connected to the Internet to take current crop pictures and quickly upload them to the appropriate plant SKU (sellable size) on your website

  • Plant Database Mgr: Plant Image List

    Quickly find plant records without images, captions or a proper bloom color selected.