Find out who is interested in purchasing an item currently out of stock so you can better plan order replenishment. This is only available to your wholesale customers.
When an active plant record has zero items available for sale, a "Get Notified" link will be displayed on the corresponding plant detail page. This functionality allows you to see the demand for a plant you are not carrying or are out of stock.
Only logged-in, wholesale customers can submit 'Get Notified' requests. They submit 3 pieces of information with their request:
Your Customers have access to all of their open 'Get Notified' requests and can see quantities available, if applicable, and delete any requests they no longer need.
You and your staff can see the Items in Demand Report in your Clarity Console back office to see how many people have requested notification. You can sort the report by Product, SKU, Number of Interested Customers, or Quantity Available for Sale.
When you have updated your inventory, you can click on Notify Customers of Items Back In Stock to send emails to all customers to notify them that the plant or product SKU they were interested in is back in stock and available for purchase. If you like, the system can be programmed to check inventory each night and compare it to the 'Get Notified' requests and automatically send out an email to the 'requesters'. Once the email is sent, that requester will be removed from the list so they will not receive future notifications.
When one of your customers cancels one of their requests, you will receive an email and your online report will be updated. The email includes everything you need to know about the original request:
The following customer just canceled their back in stock notification request:
Company: Timothy's Landscaping
Location: Holly Springs, NC
Name: Timothy Howard
SKU: GWS-5002
Plant: Acer palmatum(Dragon Tears™)
Qty Requested: 15
Current Availability: -50
Request Date: Sep-12-2023
Need Date: Mar-12-2024
The 'Get Notified' functionality will help improve your customer's experience and increase your plant sales.