Store Mgr: Store Variables Editor
You have control over many aspects of your store checkout process via the Store Variables Editor, including:
- The option to allow/disallow your customers to select Pickup when placing their orders/order requests.
- The option to allow/disallow your customers to select Delivery when placing their orders/order requests.
- Set minimum order value for a pickup order
- Set minimum order value for a delivery order
- Set flat fee for a pickup order, if applicable
- Set flat fee for a delivery order, if applicable
- Set order value minimum for order to qualify for free delivery
- Use either the Flat delivery fee or display TBD
- Indicate if delivery fees are taxable
Your customers can select a desired delivery or pickup day when submitting their online order. The days that are available for them to select from are based on the the following variables:
- Set Saturday as a work or non-work day for pickups and deliveries
- Set Sunday as a work or non-work day for pickups and deliveries
- Set the number of days needed to prepare an order for pickup if it is placed before noon.
- Set the number of days needed to prepare an order for delivery if it is placed before noon.
- Set the number of days needed to prepare an order for pickup if it is placed after noon.
- Set the number of days needed to prepare an order for delivery if it is placed after noon.
- Set your time zone
- Indicate if a sale price applies to Retail or Wholesale pricing
- Set Pre-Book Start Date (Pre-Book Ordering is an additional add-on)
- Set Pre-Book End Date
- Set the earliest allowable date your customer can select for delivery or pickup of a pre-book order.